Friday, August 25, 2006

Oh My Gaod!

For background, please see here, here, and here.

Dear Lucy,

I just wanted to write to let tell you that I’ve fallen for you. And I was hoping (fingers crossed!), if by some chance you’re not busy (I know it’s a long shot with someone like you), I might be able to take you out for a drink. I’ll fly over there immediately if this is possible. We could have a snakebite or a pimms cup or something!

You don’t know me, but I’m a 24 year old Banker in the United States, and I fell in love with you the first time I was forwarded an email about your party at The Ritz. I know you’re a big time hotshot famous person now in the newspapers and all, but I just had to write. I was, frankly, overwhelmed by your prose. I feel like we are connected spiritually. We are like the same person!

Let me elaborate:

  • 1. I had a party very similar to yours a few years back, except it was at a little place called “The Village Idiot.” Definitely the same vibe though. I was, like you, generous enough to indulge my friends. And they also had a script, when they were asked “What the fuck do you want, dude?” they were to reply, “I am here for the $5 pitchers!”
  • 2. I don’t have a PA, but I do have an unemployed “artist” roommate that takes my calls. Coincidentally, his name is also Ms. Gill.
  • 3. Your friend list is extremely ethnically diverse. My group of friends is also very diverse.

    Your list has “Kajai, Mandeep, Preet, Sanami, Dmitry, Nikolay, Ovi, Yuki, Olga, Marcelo, Ulyana, JingJing, Uli, Yogi, and Garzi.”

    Similarly, mine had “Hugh, Dan, Michelle, Kristen, Brandon, Francie, Josh, Kim, Shane, Ted, Ryan, and Sandy.” Both our groups are so eclectic, I’m just positive they’d get along. Did you guys, by any chance, play quarters over there at the Ritz?

One point we might butt heads on is that I am actually kind of a jeans, flip flops, and polo kinda guy. My flip flips do have a little flag of Brazil on them though. Does that help?

To be honest, I’m actually usually not that into Oriental girls, but there’s something about you that’s very Zhang Ziyi—your smile, your plate-like face, your surgically created eyelids. You might be the hottest Chinese chick alive. Forgive me for being crass, I just can’t stop thinking about what I would do to you on that daybed, and the possibilities for that toddler’s chair (perspective? I hope not.) in the background are endless.

Anyway, I’m sure you’ve heard enough about the topic by now, but I made a pact with myself a few weeks ago after letting Samaire Armstrong walk right by me at the W bar that when it came to these celebrity crushes, I would always at least try.

Cheers (I know you like that shit),


82 comments for this post.

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  1. -11 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:


  2. 0 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    Good one. I hope this chick has a MySpace page. That would be some funny shit.

  3. -11 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    This girl is silly. But you are a stupid racist, worse than her.

  4. -16 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    shit on you!

  5. -21 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    Can?t agree more! >Anonymous said? > This girl is silly. But you are a stupid racist, worse than her.

  6. -17 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    That was incredibly racist and over the line. Not cool.

  7. +4 votes + -
    sftrader Said:

    Whatever? Tell those freaks to screw off. Your approach, while risque, is no more deviant than Jeff Epstein?s. Keep up the good work and good luck

  8. +4 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    This was great as usual. well-timed at that.

  9. -11 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    Logan, at least she has the brain of a marketing genius. Unfortuntely there is no surgically created intelligent for white men.

  10. -25 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    I feel very sorry for you? You probably didn?t get a banking job or working for some second-tier bank, wishing you could have the opportunity that people you mention on this website does.

  11. +17 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    awesome post as usual, what a pretentious bitch

  12. +2 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    Logan, I have my panties waiting for you. ShAlEv

  13. +34 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    uhh, so when it?s jokes about indians (BSDesis) there?s no racial outcry but god forbid you make fun of an asian it?s like you reenacted Tiennamen Square on the internet? give me a break, racist or not it?s a fucking joke and a funny one at that. unnecessarily PC = no fun.

  14. -1 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    sorry funny, but ehh definitely not one of your better ones, just kinda weird

  15. -1 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    Think she got an offer?

  16. -13 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    Hi logan?you know before being so callous as to shoot your mouth off about asians, you may want to take a closer look at your family tree?.cos i could have sworn after last time your mum had a little indian in her?.PEACE!

  17. +1 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    Freakin sweet dude

  18. -23 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    U think u being funny. U piece of white shit.

  19. -20 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    And the innner racist comes out.

  20. +5 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    HAHAH ”i know you like that shit”

  21. -4 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    ‘U think u being funny. U piece of white shit.” How fucking funny would it be if that was actually Ms. Gao. Then again, she would have spelled out Y O U Asians are the new Jews.

  22. 0 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    ‘U think u being funny. U piece of white shit.” How fucking funny would it be if that was actually Ms. Gao. Then again, she would have spelled out Y O U Asians are the new Jews on the Street. As a Jew, I?m getting kinda worried.

  23. 0 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    A bit racist, even for LSO. And apparently this is her facebook page:

  24. +7 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    what a crazy bitch!! and this is for a birthday? wonder what her wedding would be like? 10 pm photos, 10:15 take a shit, 10:45 say goodbye to guests?that is if she ever finds a dumb ass that will marry her!!

  25. +8 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    After every post, I still marvel at the number of folks who completely miss the point and go apeshit. It could all be explained in one sentence, or maybe one word, but it would be a shame to tell because the clueless comments add so much of the fun to this site.

  26. -1 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    Check out this video of Lucy: scroll to the 5.00 minute mark; she does a funky dance!

  27. 0 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    Exactly?let the ranters run free?makes me click the post 3 extra times during the week just to get an afternoon laugh. Hmm?ancillary website hits due to comment pages?how to transfer this into a revenue generator?

  28. -10 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    ‘After every post, I still marvel at the number of folks who completely miss the point and go apeshit. It could all be explained in one sentence, or maybe one word, but it would be a shame to tell because the clueless comments add so much of the fun to this site” you dum fuk, this is a true event..

  29. +1 votes + -
    RD Said:

    when i first read the email i swear it wouldn?t have been misplaced as a posting on this site, pure comical LSO-type writing genius. snap her up as an assistant, well if she?s not too demanding (ahem!) in truth, there probably have been better postings recently, but something is better than nothing (i guess?) and moreso the comments just add to the comedy!

  30. +3 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    dude, sweet post, gotta love Looshy. She?s actually got a tight little body, love those Asian spinners with the perky little titties. Of course you would have to place a brown paper bag over her head or turn out the lights, but what the hell. Keep up the good work you little un-PC man.

  31. -2 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    It?s a joke, everyone. Unfunny and lame, to be sure, but still a joke.

  32. +2 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    love you long time?

  33. +2 votes + -
    Amish Said:

    Hahaha?.good shit. Hard to believe people still don?t understand the point of this site.

  34. +4 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    well done. i think half the people that read this blog don?t get it. if they have come to leveragedsellout before then chances are they?ve probably laughed at other un ”PC” jokes in the past. now that it hits home they freak out? to call the author ”racist” is ridiculous. grow a spine and some cojones while you?re at it.

  35. +8 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    ‘Unfortuntely there is no surgically created intelligent for white men.” As I white man this comment offends me deeply. The racism this poster has for Caucasian-Americans is obviously deep rooted in some Asian KKK type orthodoxy. As a white male I want you to know I am extremely culturally sensitive. I tip the Chinese guy $2! I pretend to like curry! And even though I would def. fly an airline that advertised itself as not allowing Muslims on a plane I ALWAYS say that its a terrible idea (even though we all know it isnt). So, you my little Asian-American friend owe my white ass a big apology but I wont even make you get down on your knees and beg forgiveness. just set me up with your sister I love them oriental girls. Sorry, I mean Oriental girls.

  36. +2 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    READ THIS, everyone. Lucy?s thank-you note to everyone that attended. Skim through it and then we?ll see if your?e STILL convinced that she was just ”joking around” the entire time: Good morning, THANK YOU ALL so much for Friday night, it was absolutely phenomenon and it was – like I said – the best birthday Ive ever had! I really hope you enjoyed the Ritz and then Pangaea, and I will get those fabulous photos to you ASAP – Im so excited! Thanks for all your generous gifts – I had the most wonderful prolonged birthday experience when I returned to the Ritz on Sat to collect the bags full of presents and cards. Also, vielen dank Sophie for organising the magnificent cake – incredibly delicious. Thank you to my talented prime photographer Mandeep. Thank you Citi interns for your thoughtful gifts, champagne, and those beautiful flowers (et merci beaucoup Sophie!), and all your sweet comments on my card. I was truly touched. Thanks to my home and Oxford friends who have travelled very far to attend the joyful occasion. Much appreciated. And last but certainly not least, many thanks to my PA for the evening, Ms Gill, couldnt have done it without you Sanami – should consider this as a profession! I am so grateful to have friends like you and I truly hope we can all keep in touch in the future no matter where we end up. The very special 35 of you have made my 21st Birthday one of the most memorable evenings of my life and I hope you will also cherish the great times on Friday as much as I shall. Cheers to great memories! FRIENDS FOREVER Lucy x???

  37. +3 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    to all the haters, if your attention span is actually long enough to make it this far down the comments section?please go back and read *every one* of this fine site?s previous posts. I think you?ll find that every group regardless of race/religion/color/creed/orientation/ has been slammed up down and sideways on this site. Lighten up and laugh a little bit!!!!

  38. +8 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    racist? you guys are raging idiots. do you wake up in the morning and decide that you?re going to make inane comments, or is it just everyone else?s good fortune that you?re so stupid? lighten up, read the rest of the site, and get a sense of humor, if your 83 IQ mind can handle it.

  39. 0 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    ‘I feel very sorry for you? You probably didn?t get a banking job or working for some second-tier bank, wishing you could have the opportunity that people you mention on this website does.” Hello, D-bag. Logan works at a multi-billion dollar PE fund.

  40. 0 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    ‘Logan works at a multi-billion dollar PE fund.” Relax Logan. You seem to get worked up as fast some of these retards over here. By the way, your blog makes a very delicious read. Very yummy. Very Very Yummy.

  41. -2 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    can all you cr*ckers and ch*nks just shut up?

  42. +1 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    Oriental? Is she a product?

  43. +2 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    From Wall St. Folly: Capital markets in action.

  44. 0 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    Lovely. Race-based jokes are funny as long as they?re in the right spirit. If you can?t take them, go find somewhere to grow up. Not one of your better entries, though.

  45. +2 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    next feature you should add is a video clip of two Ari Gold style yuppie jackasses commenting on music videos like the old bevis and butthead cartoons?

  46. -1 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    Hysterical post – it?s a pity about the lack of funny-bone in your readership Perhaps a calcium supplement ?

  47. 0 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    ARRIVAL TIMES: [Please stick to these as best as you can, thank you] 9:00pm: Lucy, Sophie Sandner, Kajai, Mandeep, Preet, Sanami, Su, Lisa, Kate. 9:15pm: Phoebe, Sophie Seugnet, Theo, Dmitry, Ed, Nikolay, Paul, Nick, Harry. 9:30pm: Marco, Andrea, Jess, Ovi, Yuki, Olga, Kim, Marcelo, Ulyana, Krystal, Dan. 9:45pm: Sunita, Alan, JingJing, Emma. 10:00pm: Anthony, Rachel, Roger, Uli, Yogi, Gharzi Sophie Seugnet must have felt pretty bad when she saw that Sophie Sander got the 9PM slot over her?

  48. +1 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    just watched that youtube video and you can see on of the girls (assumedly the Indian hostess) is named Sanampreet Gill?possibly Miss Gao?s PA?

  49. -11 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    Hey, Logan, going out on a date tonight with your ”girlfriend”?. I heard you?ve bought her a fabulous new outfit for your usual evening tryst ? a ribbed glove! So is it your right hand or your left? Racist wanker!

  50. -6 votes + -
    Anonymous Said:

    Cut Logan some slack will ya; he was, afterall, weaned off his mother?s tit when he was 15-years-old.

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